Category: Free MP3

  • Give The World

    You’ve got a lot to give the world. Open up to see. It’s all right there for you right now – the possibilities. You’ve got a lot to give the world, it’s plain to see. All you really need to do – set your mind free. All the world is in a rush Years go…

  • Get Outta The Way (RS-16.1)

    I’ve lived several places where driving can make you crazy. Miami, L.A., Bay Area, Washington D.C., NY City… it’s a mad house out there – A MAD HOUSE!!! Seems like everything you want to do is some kind of crazy drive. Traffic, rush hour the sun in your eyes… is there no end to it…

  • Hold Your Love (RS-05.1)

    Here’s a video of Mark adding his bass track to Hold Your Love. I like this song. It’s strange, slow and sexy. The bad part is, the other night I couldn’t sleep, and I had this song in my head. Over and over with, “holding the one that you love deep inside… hold your love.”…

  • Sad Silence (RS-13.2)

    So Mark was freaked out by the falsetto vocal tracks I had on Sad Silence until I told him it was backing vocals. So we added more manly vocals, and you know, we might even add some more. The more the merrier with this song it seems. So, go ahead and try to sing along.…

  • Dread Pirate Roberts (RS-15.1)

    Mark was here Sunday adding bass and guitar tracks to the stuff I recorded last week. Here is another version of Dread Pirate Roberts, with Mark’s bass. I redid the vocal, and added more percussion to beat it up a bit. Listen hear: RS-15.1.mp3 Lyrics to: Dread Pirate Roberts

  • Hold Your Love

    Now that I’m a parent, time means more to me than it ever has before. Life gets so busy, it’s unbelievable. To find time to spend with my sweetie seems impossible. I don’t know what to do, I miss her so much. When we do find that time to relax with one another, it’s so…

  • Lazy Day

    Every year after day light savings, and Spring is ready to go “Boing”, the sky seems to get brighter and brighter each day until my whole face is a squinting wrinkle. My whole face hurts from squinting the last two days. Now, I don’t want to complain about the nice weather, we all want the…

  • Get Outta The Way

    When you’ve gotta get there and get the job done. Who else is gonna do it? No one. You’re gonna do it. This song is for driving down the road. Driving down the road going to work. You’re gonna get the job done. And when it’s done it’s gonna be done right, and then you…

  • California

    I recorded the vocal track over and over today on RS-11. I tried every voice I have. Deep, dark and close to the mic, big and loud far away from the mic… soft and stoney… this is the closest I got so far. A regular relaxed, just “me” voice. I’ll try to learn the song…