I Come To Maine

I was born in Augusta, Maine in 1964. That’s a long time ago. I graduated MICA art school in the mid 80s, moved to the Bay Area of California, and began pining away for my home state. I would return most summers to work in the arts and crafts department at summer camps, so I had a way home each year to see my folks, friends, and the state of Maine.

I love Maine. The crystal clear lakes, fresh air, trees, good people, and lots and lots of nature to challenge and impress how great life really is. It’s not easy to live in Maine. Winters are long and cold. You must really love it here to live here all year. Most folks enjoy the summer, and call Maine, Vacationland. Summers were not enough for my family and I. After a few visits, the wee one fell in love with Maine, so we moved here about 10 years ago. It’s nice to be home. Sure, sometimes I miss California weather, but far too often I am overwhelmed at how beautiful and wild it is here in Maine. It keeps me inspired and humble.

This song is about many of the things I love about Maine. The seasons, autumn leaves, coastal waters, clean lakes and rivers, nature hikes, loons, seagulls, and that excited feeling of waking up to a blanket of white fresh snow fall outside. If you have never been to Maine, maybe it’s time. We’ll keep the kettle warm for ya.


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