Category: Free MP3

  • Making a movie or video? We have music!

    Mark and I have been recording forever. And when I say forever, I mean that we are old. Far too old to be out touring around away from our families. Instead we like to get our recordings into movies and films. A lot of folk out there like to make movies, shorts, animation, or videos,…

  • Tony’s Bass Tracks

    Hey so the Long Distance Jamming Experiment works, and it’s easy for Tony to add bass tracks to our project, and simply email us the bass. Once I drag it to GarageBand, it just works the way we had hoped. Tony emailed two different mp3 files. One with just a bass track added, and another…

  • Dread Pirate Roberts

    My daughter was going on and on making up a story about a pirate and a princess. I got to thinking about the Dread Pirate Roberts, and what may have happened after he and his Princess Bride sailed off together. I was going to watch American Idol, but instead, I wrote and recorded this silly…

  • Smiling Bright

    I feel really rusty. Or do I? I say it’s more like I just don’t have total confidence in myself yet. It’s been a while since I’ve rocked for the Rain Station, so I feel the need to saturate myself into the project to get warmed up and ready. I don’t feel like I’ve hit…

  • Sad Silence

    Here’s the latest vocal mix: RS-13.1

  • Long Distance Jamming Experiment

    So I got an email from Tony with a solution how he can add his bass tracks to our project, and not even leave his house. Since we both have a Mac with GarageBand, it should work… this is our latest plan: 1. I export my drum track into an MP3, and email it to…

  • We are the ones from the underground

    I’m a little over excited. I wrote some lyrics and got some vocal tracks down on RS-01. Here’s the link: RS-01.1.mp3 I’m still trying to figure out the best way to get Tony in on the project. I’ll try to post a CD-R of .band files. I don’t know if it will work. I have…

  • A beginning.

    I recorded a bunch of drum beats and rhythm guitar tracks so that Mark and I could start another Rain Station project. It’s been nearly 8 years since we’ve been in the studio together. When I first recorded the drum beats, I listened to them, thought they were sparse, and wasn’t sure if anything could…