Ancient Beings ate my Hard Drive

sego canyonI was editing some video footage of the spooky pictographs and petroglyphs of Sego Canyon from our cross country road trip this summer, and suddenly there was a giant flash of white light. The Mac froze, iMovie froze, and nothing would work.

The hard drive had all the most recent Rain Station tracks Mark and I have been recording together. The hard drive is now with a repair and recovery service, so in a couple weeks I should have it back. For now the music project stands at 30 minutes. If the hard drive recovery folk can fix it for me, we can continue our project. If not, it is what it is.

I have been listening to these tracks a lot this vacation. I like them as they stand now, but there are a few tweaks needed here and there. I really hope we can get the drive fixed, and still add a little work to the tracks until they are more slippery than the average tonsil. I like these raw tracks as they are today, but I know deep down Mark would be bummed out to leave them as they stand. I just know he’s got a few surprises up his sleeve, if given the chance to shake them out.

I’ll just buy a couple new hard drives, record some new drum beats, and get on with simply making more music with Mark. I feel like we are half way there with this project. If we make as much music as we’ve already made, we’ll have a lot of great new tunes to decide which actually make it to the new release. In the future I’ll keep all haunted Indian petroglyph video footage off any hard drive with our important music files. Lesson learned.


4 responses to “Ancient Beings ate my Hard Drive”

  1. Well that's pretty freaky. I don't think a normal repairman will do the job. Maybe you should let a priest fix it.

  2. Mark Harvey Avatar
    Mark Harvey

    Get a shaman!

  3. […] is a great time of year, so get out your chainsaw with Monster Hunter and party it up. Now that the Haunted Hard Drive has been repaired by the kind folk in Toronto, Mark and I can get back to working on our latest […]

  4. Well that’s pretty freaky. I don’t think a normal repairman will do the job. Maybe you should let a priest fix it.

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