Long Distance Jamming Experiment

TonySo I got an email from Tony with a solution how he can add his bass tracks to our project, and not even leave his house. Since we both have a Mac with GarageBand, it should work… this is our latest plan:

1. I export my drum track into an MP3, and email it to him.
2. He will import the MP3 into GarageBand on his Mac.
3. Record his bass track, then delete (mute) my drum track.
4. Export only the bass track to an MP3, and email it back.
5. I simply drag the bass track MP3 onto my original .band file in GarageBand. Whew!

I like the idea of making music this way. If this experiment works, musicians will never have to leave their home again. I have the basic drum track MP3 that I emailed to Tony. Check it out, and later we can compare it with Tony’s bass track, to see if this long distance jamming experiment works.

Here’s just the basic drum beat: RS-03.mp3

As soon as I get the bass track, I’ll post them layered together. To be continued…


3 responses to “Long Distance Jamming Experiment”

  1. Mark Harvey Avatar
    Mark Harvey

    Let’s hope it works!

  2. I’m looking forward to seeing this progress. Very cool idea you have here.

  3. Hoagie Malone Avatar
    Hoagie Malone

    The experiment worked! Hear Tony’s bass track at: http://www.rainstation.com/2009/03/tonys-bass-tracks.html

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